We bring the hope, the joy, the light, back to the women we touch and their community, through our program GIRELLE CARE, a complete healthcare department.
About women wellbeling foundation
Here to Bring
People Together
to Help
Each donation is an essential
help for everyone's life
Your touch, your participation in any way, will definitely change A LOT TODAY!
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1900 People Already Helped!
[ Women Wellbeing Foundation ]
All our latest Causes
women empower
women in agriculture and animal husbandry training
animal husbandry Training
This goes from the farm work, to the market side. They also learn the processing, management and marketing of the final products.
women in business sector
women Education
Women health Training
Benefits of Women wellbeling
Bring More
Meaning to Your
Life & Family
Improve Self-Esteem
When low self-esteem becomes a long-term problem, it can have a harmful effect on our mental health and our day-to-day lives.
Reduce Your Stress
Good stress can boost us, while bad stress can lead to various diseases. By finding solutions to their mains concerns, women impact on their environment is way more positive, and we all know how much happiness is contagious!
Financial Benefits
Financial stability does help feeling better mentally, emotionally and physically.
Our goal is to assist each family of the communities we serve, in reaching a certain financial peace of mind and focus more on living healthier and more fulfilled lives.
Familial Benefits
Families certainly enjoy a more fulfilling life, when basic needs are met. A peaceful family more easily impacts others in the community, and is more inclined to provide assistance to others.
We show our members the importance of mutual aid, by setting the example and bringing palpable results.